Each Buddy Bear shows the individual design created by different artists on behalf of their native countries. The diverse design of the Buddy Bears - always typical for the respective countries- enables the visitors to experience a journey around the globe.
Buddy Bears activities and aid for children in need have formed an inseparable unit. To date, over 1.560.000 have been raised through donations and auctions in aid of UNICEF and local children`s relief organizations.
16 exhibitions on 5 continents: 2002 and 2003 Berlin, 2004 Hong Kong- Istanbul-Kitzbühel, 2005 Tokyo-Seoul, 2006 Sydney - Berlin- Vienna, 2007 Cairo-Jerusalem, 2008 Warsaw-Stutgart-Pyongyang and 2009 Buenos Aires.
For more information on Buddy Bears, visit http://www.buddy-bear.com/
For more pictures on the local exhibition, visit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tmtargentina/sets/72157615721814546/
Address for the exhibition is Av. Santa Fe and Maipú. Metro blue line, station San Martin.