If you`re looking for original local designers, from jewelry to art, this two original stores are of those not to miss. One of the shops is located in hip Palermo Hollywood area and the other one is downtown, next to the financial district but what they both have in common is their high quality products created by Argentine independent designers.
Tienda Puro Diseño was created after many successful design fairs and in year 2002 the store was established. Works from more than a hundred argentine designers are sold, including clothing, jewelry, furniture, light, objects, kitchen utensils, carpets, paper products and designs for kids.
For more information, visit: http://www.purodiseno.com.ar/Autoría Buenos Aires is a combination of design and art since this space includes apart from local designer`s objects and clothing, an art gallery with works from Argentine artists which is also included in the Gallery Nights circuit.
For more information, visit: http://www.autoriabsas.com.ar/For more pictures go to: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tmtargentina/sets/72157615730867946/